ACCS Ltd Logo


  Anti-Corrosion Cement Specialists

  Specialists in high quality corrosion, thermal and abrasion resistant materials.
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 817 107  
Fax: +44 (0) 1782 824 979  

Case Studies

Gas/Petrochemical Industry

With the extensive use of acids and alkalis in the petrochemical industry, for example, in the production of MMA, Silicone, CA, EDC, PVC, MTBE, VCM, PTA and PTFE, the areas requiring corrosion resistant materials are numerous. ACCS Ltd has provided protective linings to a wide range of production facilities and is well placed to supply all the materials required for the processing and production in the petrochemical industry.

For more details regarding Gas/Petrochemical Industry please download the information pack here.

Acid Reconcentrator    Acid Recovery Unit
Please click the images to zoom in.

Current ACCS Projects